Thank you for considering a contribution to Ullal Darga We rely on the kind financial support of our community to provide programs and services to ullal & Our surrounding area. Through the generosity of people like you, we maintaining Hiflul Quran, Da’wa College, Sharee’ath College, Madrasas, Dars, Masjids,Schools and Colleges.
We depend on the support of our friends in the community to fund our programs. All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. We receive no united way or government funding, we are entirely privately-funded. We promise to be good stewards of your Donations. Through tax-deductible donations, Darga is able to maintain all institutions masjids etc.
Your support is what drives our enforcement and conservation efforts, strengthens our resolve, and makes possible the successes we achieve.
- Click on I have read and accepted the terms and conditions stated above and click proceed
- Select State of Corporate / Institution as Karnataka
- Select Type of Corporate / Institution as Religious institutions and click Go
- Select Religious Institutions Name as Ullal Jumma Masjid (402) and click submit
- Select Payment Category as offerings/donations
- Then Enter your name, Mobile No, Address, amount and submit
- Select your payment method from the list and pay.
Name: Ullal Juma Masjid & Seyyid Madani Darga
A/C No: 10116585177
IFSC: SBIN0003669
Branch : Ullal