

Hazrath Seyyed Madani High School Alekala

Hazrath Seyyed Madani High School in Alekala is a well-known educational institution in the region. The school provides quality education to its students in both academic and extracurricular activities. The school has a total strength of 497 students and employs 19 teaching and 3 non-teaching staff members.

The school offers education from primary to high school levels and ensures a strong foundation for its students in all aspects of learning. The curriculum is designed to cater to the diverse needs of students, including academic and practical knowledge. The teaching staff is highly qualified and experienced in their respective subjects and provide personalized attention to each student.

Apart from academics, the school also focuses on the overall development of its students by providing various extracurricular activities like sports, music, arts, and cultural events. The school encourages its students to participate in these activities to enhance their skills and abilities.

To contact the school, interested individuals can reach out to the school administration at 7975301524 or email them at [email protected]. The school is located in Alekala Ullal, and interested individuals can visit the school to know more about the institution and its facilities.

Contact us
Address : Alekala, Ullal
Phone: –
Mobile: 7975301524
Email : hsm.alekala@gmail.com
Total Strength

Category Count
Girls  –
Total Strength 497
Teaching Staff 19
Non Teaching Staff 03

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